GPS Vehicle Tracking System Manufacture

Protect Your Vehicle From Its Initial Stages With Our GPS Vehicle Tracking Server

Buying a vehicle is a mark of your achievement. It takes a lot of economic support to get yourself the dream car. So, it’s the duty of every car owner to keep a close watch on the prized possession. Well, that’s when you might want to catch up with our team for the most effective GPS tracking system. Not just any software, but we have designed a vehicle tracking program with added benefits. You have to use it to learn more about the features. And yes, we are by your side always.

Know where your vehicle is

A basis for remote vehicle monitoring is a small hardware device mounted inside the car, truck. The device is actually an On board Computer with GPS and wireless communication capabilities that transfers all relevant information from vehicle to the fleet management centre. It gives you straight answers to the questions like: where did the vehicle drive for the last, say, 10 days, where did it stop, how fast did it drive, was there over speeding moments, how many kilometers did it make, and much more.!

  • Enjoy live tracking
  • Whether you have one car or an owner of multiple vehicles, you always want to keep a track on the vehicles, don’t you? So, our live tracking system from nuevas technologies pvt ltd is just the perfect solution. As our software is designed based on the GPS flexibility, therefore; you get the chance to track your vehicle anytime and anywhere. Our server takes help from satellite for locating your vehicle and provides you with its detailed whereabouts. Catch up with our team or better; use our software to know more.

  • Alerts on an instant basis
  • Anything out of route or pre-designed destination deserves your attention, and we are well-aware of this point. Therefore, our server comes with instant alert feature. With the help of this feature, you will receive Panic or SOS alert, whenever any emergency takes place, even without any GPS signal. And the owner of the vehicle has every right to customize these alerts as per the varied functions. Some examples are over speeding, change in the pre-defined vehicle route or even SOS.

  • Track or monitor the status:
  • Now, monitoring the current whereabouts of your vehicle is an easy piece of task, especially when you have our server near your hand. It is literally important for you to keep a track of your vehicle’s current location. With our server, you get the chance to know accurately about the vehicle’s real time location. Get the chance to view your vehicle’s exact location on Google maps with some of the other necessary details

  • Protection from theft:
  • Robbery won’t take place after notifying you. So, a real time update of your vehicle’s location and movement can prevent robbery from its initial stages. If you want to protect your investment, then try grabbing services of our GPS vehicle tracking system manufacture in pune. Our system is designed to update you immediately, if any change in the route takes place or during any untimely utilization. You will be given enough time to go for the preventive measures.

    Our systems will further send you instant alerts, and further help you to track the present location of this vehicle. There are some other added benefits in the kitty, such as stolen vehicle alert and motion detections. You will receive all sorts of alerts and information on your registered number via SMS.

Happy to help you:

Our units are quite small and are often installed discretely.

The primary motto of our firm is to help you protecting your vehicle. Yes, we know that you have invested a lot of money on this product. So, we are always there to help you and protect the same.